Audio Store
Audioclips of beautiful prayers by Sister Mary LucyTreat yourself to a few moments of these beautiful and inspirational songs. You will feel God's presence as you listen to this music. Enjoy the audioclips of a few of the songs available on the tapes "I Love You, Jesus"... and "The Lord Hears" "We have played the 'I Love You, Jesus' tape several times already, and the music is just wonderful. Your singing ability is certainly a gift from the Divine Master, and you are using your talents to the fullest measure." "I've listened to your tape over and over. It is absolutely beautiful! Your voice sounds like an angel! What joy you have brought to Our Lady through your gift to us of this tape." "We are really enjoying the tapes! Our prayer group loves listening to the music. ...Thank you for utilizing the beautiful talents God has given you." "Congratulations, Sister! You did it! Well done! Thanks for sharing your gifts!" "Thank you so much for your beautiful tapes! I feel God's presence just by listening to your songs -- you truly have a gift from God. I also love being able to listen to Our Lady's words--it brings her messages so much closer to home."